Fore Sistas of Fairview Golf Club, Inc. is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization

Mission Statement

Fore Sistas is a volunteer service organization of women committed to the expansion and inclusion of talented women to the sport and the business of golf through linked friendship, financial support, equity, and inclusion.

Board Members

Phyllis Gillespie
Phyllis GillespieChair
Jean Laws Scott
Jean Laws ScottVice Chair
Debra Williams
Debra WilliamsSecretary
Martha Clark
Martha ClarkTreasurer
Claire Nash, Ph.D.
Claire Nash, Ph.D.Financial Secretary
Synthia Snow
Synthia Snow Board Member
Raelyn Holmes
Raelyn HolmesBoard Member
Michelle Jerger
Michelle JergerBoard Member
Tishunda Johnson
Tishunda JohnsonBoard Member
Lynn Solomon, Esquire
Lynn Solomon, EsquireLegal Advisor